About the NPSA Council

Our councilors are elected from the members of NPSA. They represent each of the caucus regions of NPSA, including Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Spokane/Idaho, Vancouver and Victoria/Alberta.  For a list of all the councilors, click HERE.


In order to provide transparency of our organization. We provided access to our constitution and bylaws. Click HERE

Council Committees and Focus Areas

The Oregon chapter has several standing committees

Programs committee: This group coordinates the annual scientific meeting held in November.  

Your ACS Governor

NPSA is represented as a society at the national level of the American College of Surgeons.  NPSA’s ACS governor serves a three-year term. Your Governor is Ken Gow, MD, FACS – Specialty Society Governor, North Pacific Surgical Association

For more information on Governors for ACS or to find a governor in other areas,  Click HERE

Below: Councilors gather in Boise, ID at the 2018 annual meeting. Dr. John Mayberry leads the introductions of councilors and guests.

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